Of course we all need each other on this planet whether we realize it or not. This is one of those songs by Donnie McClurklin that speaks to us needing GOD. I’ve heard this song for a couple of months and am still moved by it. If you’re not already familiar with Donnie, you’re missing a treat. He has some awesome songs in his vast portfolio. I’ve seen him live a few times and even once while he preached at a church in Atlanta. This song is called “I Need You.” Let me know if you’re digging this tune.

5 thoughts on “I NEED YOU

  1. I remember once I said those words to my husband when we were dating and he replied, “I don’t want you to “need” me, I wan’t you to want me.” I wonder if God feels the same way? I think that was the initial issue in the “Garden”, don’t you think? Do we acknowledge His importance and WANT Him in our lives? We all NEED him, whether we believe or accept it or not, but do we WANT Him?
    As for my husband, he is an integral part of my life and I would not want to be without him. God in our life should feel the same.


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