
This quote really speaks to the subject that we all subscribe to basically all of the time (FAITH). Whether we realize it or not, all of us have faith that we exercise on a regular basis. When we sit down, we have faith that the chair will hold us. When we turn on the faucet, we have faith that water will come running out. When we get in a car, we have faith that it will start. These are mere examples of us exercising our faith regurlarly.

Rick Warren once talked about goals set in F.A.I.T.H.? “It’s:
• Focused: It’s specific, something you can measure.
• Attainable: It’s possible and practical. If you set an unrealistic goal, you won’t accomplish it.
• Individual: It’s personal. You can’t set goals for other people. You have ownership over your own goals, not someone else’s.
• Trackable: Your goal needs a deadline on it. Without a date on it, it’s not a goal.
• Heartfelt: Never set a goal you’re not passionate about, because you will never accomplish it without the desire to do so.”

My favorite scripture is based purely on faith. It says:

29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your FAITH be it unto you.
Matthew 9:29 King James Version (KJV)
I’ll just leave you with that today…..EXERCISE YOUR FAITH!!!

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